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Misc Questions

Can you please explain the BB code to me?
You can use BB Code, a simplified version of HTML, in your posts to create certain effects.

[b]Text here[/b]   (Bold Text)

[i]Text here[/i]   (Italicized Text)

[u]Text here[/u]   (Underlined Text)

[url]http://www.php.net[/url]   (Link)

[url=http://www.php.net]Home Page of PHP[/url]   (Link)

[email] mail@xmbforum.com[/email]   (E-Mail Link)

[email=mail@xmbforum.com]E-mail Me![/email]   (E-Mail Link)

[quote]Text here[/quote]   (Quoted Text)

[code]Text here[/code]   (Text With Preserved Formatting)

[img]http://www.php.net/gifs/php_logo.gif[/img]   (Image)

[img=50x50]http://www.php.net/gifs/php_logo.gif[/img]   (Resized Image)

[flash=200x100]http://www.macromedia.com/flash.swf[/flash]   (Flash Movie)

[color=red]This color is red[/color]   (Colored Text)

[size=3]This font size is 3[/size]   (Sized Text)

[font=Tahoma]This font is Tahoma[/font]   (Different Font Than Default)

[align=center]This is centered[/align]   (Aligned Text)

[*]List Item #1
[*]List Item #2
[*]List Item #2
[/list]   (List)

Can I become a moderator?
Most of the time the answer is no, but ask your Admin.

Can you please explain the User Ranks to me?
Based on the number of posts you have, you are assigned to a rank. Each rank has its own status and its own amount of stars. Below are the user rank settings for this board:
follower of the guru0
pupil of teh guru0
guru of the chat0
Junior Member2
Senior Member60
Posting Freak150