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Author: Subject: Dating Violence - Please Help!
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posted on 22-7-2023 at 04:09 PM Edit Post
Dating Violence - Please Help!

I am an intern at a Domestic Violence Center in Maryland. We are trying to come up with a training program to help inform teens about dating violence and abuse in teen relationships.

Dating violence is an all too common occurance; a recent study found that 31% of teens ages 13-17 stated that either they or a friend had experienced dating violence. It is not something to be embarassed about and it is something that needs to be discussed.

I am currently trying to compile real life stories of teen dating violence so that we can come with a program that will deal with the issues that are actually out there.

My real question/request is this: if you or someone you know has been in an abusive/violent relationship, could you please describe what happened and how you dealt with the issue?

No names need to be mentioned. In addition to helping me, discussing these relationships can help other teens in the same situations and can be a form of release for yourself.

This issue needs to be discussed, and I think this is a great forum for discussion.

Thank you so much.

If you have any questions about domestic violence or dating violence, please visit the following sites:

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posted on 30-7-2023 at 04:19 AM Edit Post
Hi i read your post and i thought maybe i could help by sharing one of my experiences....

I was going out with an older guy for about 2 months and he was a total sweetheart until he took me to a party one day with alot of college kids. While we were there i was talking to another guy i met there and my boyfriend came up to me and told me it was time to go. He had interrupted me so i guess i kinda snapped back at him that i was busy and i didn't want to leave yet. He got really angry and grabbed me by my wrists really hard and pulled me out to where his car was parked. Before we got into his car he hit me across my face and told me that he was just looking out for me because that guy i was talking to was "trouble".

After that he apologised profusely but about a week and a half later we got into a fight about me wearing a spaghetti strap top because he said i looked like a slut. I told him to mind his own business and he hit me again but this time alot harder and a few more times.Things started to kind of escalate from there. He would hit me harder each time and apologise more extravagantly after each incident.

I fell hard for him though so it was really hard for me to break it off with him. I didn't tell anyone and instead would make excuses saying that i fell while i was ice-skating or i got hit at field hockey practice, etc.

Eventually though my best friend started to get really suspicious and he told me that i had better leave this guy or he would do something about it. Everytime i tried to tell my boyfriend that i wanted to break up though, he would just laugh and tell me that wasn't possible and that we'd always be together.

Finally, i asked my best friend to help me. He got a few of his friends and they scared the crap out of this guy, telling him if he ever went near me again he'd be really sorry and they'd get the police involved.

He pretty much stopped coming after me after that, but occasionally i'd bump into him at places that seemed strangely "coincidental" and say some pretty awful things to me. But eventually he stopped bumping into me at all and i haven't really seen him since. I guess i have regrets about the relationship but it still blew me away how he would be so nice at one moment and so terrible at the next.

To this day my parents have no clue about my entire relationship with him. If they did, they most likely would flip out and spaz. Not only because of his abusiveness, but because i'm 14 and he was 20.

Well i hope this story helped you with your research or whatever it is you are trying to accomplish.

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posted on 12-8-2023 at 02:24 PM Edit Post
Thank you so much for your post. You're a very strong person and I wish you the best of luck in the future.
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